Join us virtually on Tuesday, April 28 as we focus on learning all about the sun! We will cover what it is made of, how it formed, and what the forces are that hold it together, as well as those trying to tear it apart. We will describe how it changes day-to-day, month-to-month, over years, centuries, and much longer time periods. Just…
Join us on Veterans Day to watch the transit of Mercury across the sun. This unique occurrence will not happen again until 2049!
More information coming soon!
The award-winning game designer and president of Columbia Games, Tom Dalgliesh, visited on August 10 to share his entrepreneurial experiences.
Kaily Metz and Rebecca Kowalczyk (both from Dow High School) have been conducting research on polyethyloxazoline and polyethylenimine (PEI) polymers in hopes of gaining a better understanding of the formation of the PEI product, which is used for gene transfection. Rebecca and Kaily are creating the PEI product through the process of hydrolysis and have spent considerable time examining the characteristics of…
This workshop will explore applications of 3D printing in different K-12 curricular areas. The creation of 3D objects with included openings or cavities can assist students in visualization, planning and technological understanding. Standards-oriented examples to be explored may be taken from: Geometry, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, Physics, and Elementary mechanics. Prior familiarity with the simple use of 3D printers is assumed, such as…
Team: Serena Fleming-Dittenber, Midland High; Callen Herst, Bullock Creek; Nicole Seiler, Bullock Creek; and Ris Agrwal, Great Lakes Bay Early College Mentor: Daniel Henton, Ph.D., with additional consulting provided by Greg Martin of Dow. The purpose of the project is to acquire data to help define the extent of the chemical plume (in part from activities on the base using perfluorinated compounds…
Team: Front L to R: Colin Witt, Dow HS; Derek Yan, Dow HS; Naoki Kihata, Dow HS; Mia Pardell, Midland HS; and Ashley Hammond, Bullock Creek HS. Back: Emily Bennett, Bullock Creek HS; Mitchell Hayes, Dow HS; Zachary O’Dell, Midland HS, Aaron Lehman, Lehman Academy; and Robert Heyart, Dow HS. Mentor (back, far right): John Furcean, MS Students spent the first few…
Intern research participation makes an impact.