STEAM Internship Spotlight: Gas Cylinder Tracking and Dashboard
The Gas Cylinder Tracking System Group, including students; Joey Griffin, Sarah Menzl (both from Dow High School), Olivia Zielke (Frankenmuth High School), Phil Spannagel (Hemlock High School), Gabe Proprave, and Noah Adamick (both from Midland High School) have constructed a web application that will allow MSU employees to check gas cylinders in and out of labs using their smartphones. Each cylinder and room on campus will have a unique barcode that is scanned when a gas cylinder arrives. Geolocation data will also be collected to provide an additional layer of tracking information. The application could have other purposes such as tracking equipment, maintenance, and inspections.
Working in conjunction with the Cylinder Tracking group, Sam Cummings (Bullock Creek), Eric Goulet, Noah McCreery (both from Western High School), Alex Keeler (Great Lakes Bay Early College), Jake Telgenhoff, Bergen Kendziorski, and Eastin Block (all from Dow High School) have been working on a dashboard to allow Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) personnel to track gas cylinders throughout campus. The dashboard that students are designing will contain a map of the campus displaying each cylinder and its contents. The Gas Cylinder Dashboard Group’s unique design allows EHS personnel to conduct quick searches, such as cylinder location by a chemical.