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Family Astronomy Night

Family astronomy night is held virtually. We will return to hosting our in-person events as soon as possible. In the meantime, we are excited to continue to deliver fun and engaging astronomy night events to you via Zoom.

Virtual presentations include finding the planets and other cool things currently in the night sky. We will also keep you updated on what is happening in space and technology. Time is allowed during each of our live (virtual) events to answer questions from participants. Each presentation offers, upon request, printable sky charts, and other materials for your home use.

Please see the information below for upcoming events and recordings of past virtual Family Astronomy Night presentations.

You may also follow us on Facebook or join our mailing list to receive notices about upcoming Astronomy Night presentations and other events at MSU St. Andrews.

Family Astronomy Night – VIRTUAL EVENT

Jupiter, taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope

Join Dr. Stark on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 for an exciting presentation about the planet Jupiter! You may register now to receive the Zoom join link. More event details coming soon!

Family Astronomy Night – VIRTUAL EVENT


Join Dr. Stark on Wednesday, December 7 at 7:00 PM via Zoom for an exciting presentation Mars:  The Most Controversial Planet!

Family Astronomy Night – VIRTUAL EVENT

Triangulum Galaxy (M33)

Register today! Join Dr. Stark via Zoom on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 7 PM for a presentation that will focus on Galaxies: Island Universes!

Family Astronomy Night – VIRTUAL EVENT

Black Holes and Supernovae: What’s Left When the Largest Stars Die

Black Holes: What’s Left When the Very Largest Stars Die – (Plus:  Saving the Earth from Asteroids!)

What is a black hole?  And who first proposed such a strange concept—an object that distorts both time and space in seemingly crazy ways?  How big are black holes, and how massive?  How can such strange things form?  Are black holes truly black, or can we see them?  Where would we look?  How could one be detected?  Perhaps most important—have we detected any?  And just for fun:  what would happen if we fell into one?  Plus—have you heard that NASA is trying to move an asteroid around?  And are you ready for the planets, constellations, and meteors that October has to offer?  Join us by Zoom to learn more!

Family Astronomy Night, Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 7 PM EST – VIRTUAL EVENT


Please check back for more event details.