Join us at our new facility in Midland for a workshop with former Dow scientist, David Frurip Ph.D..
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
9 AM to 4 PM
1910 West St. Andrews Road, Midland, Michigan
Cost: $85
Maintaining control of chemical processes at every scale from laboratory to full production scale is imperative to preventing accidents resulting in serious injury or worse. By ensuring the process stays within the safe operating zone at all scales, a chemical process can be maintainted with minimal down time, and more importantly, the well being of the production workers is ensured with no affect on the surrounding community or damage to the company’s reputation.
The course will introduce attendees to the general concepts and topics of a so-called Reactive Chemicals Hazard Evaluation. These include: thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of chemical processes; reaction heat calculation and estimation; calorimetric testing methods; experimental design based on risk and scale; energetic materials and functional group identification; introduction to the CHETAH software for hazard evaluation; flamability and dust explosions; determining worst case scenarios and lines of defense; temperature of no return (TNS) and time to maximum rate (TMR). Some special topics are also covered including chemical compatibility and charts.
The formal porcess of implementing a robust Reactive Chemicals program is also discussed (as implemented in the chemcial industry at R&D scale up to full production. This course will consist of six lectures of one hour each and will include a mixture of formal presentations and interactive discussion. Although the concepts discussed apply to all scales, the emphasis of the course will be small to moderate scale (lab to pilot plant).
David J. Frurip, Ph.D.
Retired as Technical Leader/Lead EH&S Research Scientist
Reactive Chemicals Discipline
The Dow Chemical Company, Midland MI
Currently: Frurip Consultancy, LLC and MSU Contractor
Ph: 1-989-631-9308
Schedule for the day:
Morning lectures
Afternoon lectures