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STEAM Education & Research

MSU St. Andrews

Mars: Humanity’s Favorite Planet

Did you know that this October, Mars will be closer to Earth than it will be for any time in the next 15 years? Have you noticed that Mars has increased in brightness all year, and is now about forty times brighter than a year ago? Are you aware that Earth has had more missions to Mars fail than to all other…

Comets! and the Planets in September

Did you see Comet NEOWISE as it flew by the Earth over the past few months? Did you notice that it seemed to be flying “backward” as it passed the Big Dipper? Have you been watching Jupiter and Saturn moving side-by-side through Sagittarius in the evening skies? Did you know that Mars is nearing its closest Earth approach when it will be…

Virtual Astronomy Night Monday, August 31

Image of comet NEOWISE over Lake Huron in Greenbush, Michigan

Join us virtually on Monday, August 31 as we learn about comets! Dr. Edmund Stark of MSU St. Andrews will provide an engaging presentation focused on comets: what they are, where they come from, how they have appeared throughout history, and why they behave as they do! Visit the event page for full details and Zoom sign-on information. Photo credit Sherri Yezbick-Taylor…

Planetary Motion and the Planets in May, June, and July

Due to the flood conditions, tonight’s planned astronomy event is postponed. We hope your families stay safe and healthy during this difficult time.  Did you know that brilliant Venus will soon disappear from its finest evening appearance in eight years? Or that you can now see all five naked-eye planets in a single night? Are you aware that the planets don’t move…

Family Astronomy & Telescope Night POSTPONED

Girl learning to use telescope

This month holds the best opportunity to view both Jupiter and Saturn for all of 2017! >Telescopes will be available, but you can bring your own binoculars too! Program: At 9:00pm, there will be a short presentation about astronomy, describing the different telescopes we have; When it is dark (about 9:30pm), we will go outdoors for an observing session. Jupiter and Saturn…