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Family Astronomy Night

Family astronomy night is held virtually. We will return to hosting our in-person events as soon as possible. In the meantime, we are excited to continue to deliver fun and engaging astronomy night events to you via Zoom.

Virtual presentations include finding the planets and other cool things currently in the night sky. We will also keep you updated on what is happening in space and technology. Time is allowed during each of our live (virtual) events to answer questions from participants. Each presentation offers, upon request, printable sky charts, and other materials for your home use.

Please see the information below for upcoming events and recordings of past virtual Family Astronomy Night presentations.

You may also follow us on Facebook or join our mailing list to receive notices about upcoming Astronomy Night presentations and other events at MSU St. Andrews.

Family Astronomy Night, Wednesday, February 3, 2021 at 7 PM EST – VIRTUAL EVENT

Image of star birth from Hubble Space Telescope

Please check back soon for a recording of this presentation!   Star Birth: How Our Night Sky Came to Be Zoom link: https://msu.zoom.us/j/98568624049 Password: MSU Did you know that everything we understand about star birth has been learned only in the last hundred years?  There are so many questions for scientists to answer!  What does it actually mean for a star to be…

Family Astronomy Night, Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 7 PM EST – VIRTUAL EVENT

Image of Moon

Please check back soon for a recording of this presentation! Our  Marvelous Moon – Part 2! Join: https://msu.zoom.us/j/93351955313 Password: MSU This past November, we learned about the Moon’s orbit. This month, we will learn more about the Moon itself! Did you know that both the size and the distance of the Moon were already known to ancient astronomers over two thousand years…

How the Universe Was Discovered in the Constellations of Fall

Did you know that in just a few weeks, Jupiter and Saturn will appear closer together in the sky than at any time since the year 1623? Have you noticed that there are star clusters and even some galaxies in the sky right now that you can see with your unaided eye? Have you heard that the best meteor shower of the…

Our Amazing Moon: More Complicated Than You Would Expect!

Our Amazing Moon:  More Complicated Than You Would Expect! Did you know that the Moon is responsible for how our calendars look? Do you know what a “supermoon” is? (Or Hunter’s Moon? Or a Blue Moon?) Can you see the man in the Moon? (Or the woman? Or the bunny?) Are you able to tell time using the Moon’s phases and position?…

Family Astronomy Night, Tuesday, October 20 at 7 PM – VIRTUAL EVENT

Image of 2001 Mars Odyssey

Mars from Space: What Robotic Spacecraft Have Discovered About The Red Planet. Zoom Join Link: https://msu.zoom.us/j/93902393137 Password: MSU Did you know that Mars boasts the tallest mountain in the solar system, and the largest volcano as well—even though the “red planet” is barely half the size of Earth? Have you heard that Mars also has the longest canyon in the solar system—ten…